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Forecasts of the 2023 olive harvest campaign for the production of Italian extra virgin olive oil

The 2023-2024 olive oil campaign for extra virgin olive oil will not be a year to remember.

In many Italian regions, the climatic conditions in May and June disappointed expectations for a more abundant production compared to the previous year.

The forecasts for the 2023 Italian campaign foresee a production 30-40% lower than a year of full production.

Spring rains reduced fruit set in various regions and the record-breaking heat recorded in summer did not help further.

Spain itself, whose production generally boasts record numbers, expects a short harvest season due to adverse climatic conditions.

Prices have therefore increased also due to the low quantity of oil stocks compared to the previous year, with extra virgin olive oil hovering around 10 euros per kilo.

Despite the adverse conditions and the predicted difficulties in sales for this new vintage, consumers are increasingly interested in the world of extra virgin olive oil.

Italy, the leading consumer and importer country, must face climate challenges with determination in order to preserve the high-quality national productive fabric.
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