articolo La Città di Salerno Colli Borbonici® olio extra vergine di oliva

Interview by Colli Borbonici® on La Città di Salerno

The newspaper La Città di Salerno dedicates an article dated 5 April 2024 in the Economy section to the history of our company, born from the desire to enhance the legacy of its ancestors and with the awareness of carrying forward a project with ambitious challenges.

The article describes the idea behind the Colli Borbonici® brand, the results obtained to date and the medium-term objectives.

Extra virgin olive oil represents a product of true excellence and our brand is absolutely focused on enhancing this product, not only through sales which have now transcended national borders, but also through transparency towards customers and correct information through insights on the beneficial characteristics of extra virgin olive oil via our blog and social channels.

The article underlines the importance of youth entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector, a sector which has suffered a significant abandonment rate but which the new generations are taking up again in an innovative way.

Finally, the article is part of the positive action of Confagricoltura Giovani of the Province of Salerno which highlights the various realities active in the area to which our heartfelt thanks go.

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