Pastiera napoletana senza burro con olio extra vergine di oliva dei Colli Borbonici®

Neapolitan pastiera without butter with extra virgin olive oil

Do you want to delight your guests with a Neapolitan pastiera without butter enriched with Colli Borbonici® extra virgin olive oil ? With our exclusive recipe, you can prepare up to 5 pastiere for an unforgettable Easter .

Start by preparing the cream of wheat. You will need 1 kg of cooked wheat, 240 ml of milk, the juice of 3 lemons and a pinch of salt. Combine the ingredients in a pan, cook over medium heat and turn off before the mixture starts to boil. Leave to cool for a perfect result.

For the shortcrust pastry, mix 6 eggs with 300 g of sugar. Add 300 ml of Colli Borbonici® extra virgin olive oil and mix well. Incorporate one and a half sachets of yeast and gradually add 900 g of 00 flour. Work the dough until you obtain a consistency that does not stick to your fingers.

Let's move on to the filling. In a bowl, combine 1.2 kg of ricotta, 750 g of sugar, 120 ml of milk, 12 eggs and 6 egg yolks. Add wildflower aroma, lemon zest, custard and candied fruit to taste. Mix well until you obtain a homogeneous mixture.

Prepare the cake pans and baking paper. Roll out the shortcrust pastry to the size of the cake tin, placing it on the baking paper on both sides. Add the filling and decorate with strips of shortcrust pastry.

Bake at 180°C for about an hour in a static oven. Once golden, remove from the oven and let cool. Complete with a sprinkling of icing sugar and enjoy your delicious Neapolitan pastiera without butter and enriched with extra virgin olive oil from Colli Borbonici®.

The recipe video is available at the following link:

Share this traditional dish with your loved ones and wish them a happy Easter full of tradition and authentic taste. Enjoy your meal!

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